Who am I
The search of SiggaRún
A school project where we set out to find our style and our main interest in the creative field. After deep thinking and trouble sleeping I found out that I like to many things to put on one paper but what I love the most are dragons and unicorns ... well, kind of anyway !
Two sketches of the same thing - a dragon harrasing a unicorn - or the big bullying the small.
My portrait. How I see myself in the middle of this course.
I am

The endless search of SiggaRún
My right side. Plain, green eye and a scar in my eyebrow.
My left side. It's my creative side where ideas burst out of my head, symbols create a pattern on my skin and my untamed dragon thrushes himself out and throws up creative words.
The two ravens are symbols for Odin the wise god who saw everything. I don't see everything but this reminds my to pay attention.
The symbols on my body have both symbolic meanings and not. The skull is a real skull I own and reprecents my horses (who are alive) and my interest in animals, live and dead. The boar is a symbol for Freyr the nordic god of fertility and harvest and the Thorshammer is a symbol for Thor. Around the Thorshammer are two cats that reprecent Freyja, the godess of fertility and love. Odin, Freyr, Freyja and Thor are the gods I pay most attention to in my every day life.The rune is a protection rune, handy to have. The birds create flow and movement but also are reprecenting my interest in birds, same as the wing.
The animal cuddeling up to me is my unicorn. It gives me peace when the dragon gives me caos. It calms me and protects me. It's most useful when it is sleeping, otherwise it makes me daydream and no creative work is done. But it is good to know it is there.
My caotic dragon curls up inside me and is very creative when I let it out. Sometimes I have trouble letting it out and to many times I can't let it out. Sometimes it bursts out with aggressive manners and creates stuff I have no control over ... maby it happens to seldom!
The portrait repricents my two sided personality. The calm, dull me and the creative more interesting me.
i am

i am

A school project where I try to find myself or my style in art / design. I made a self portrait that shows how I really see myself every day !
